All We Need

All We Need


“It’s No Use” – Zuzu’s Petals

as the northern sun finally set, he took refuge from the blackflies underneath the truck canopy. he sat on top of his sleeping bag eating cheap ramen. washing it down with cold beer.

he rubbed his itchy beard and scratched his bug bitten neck.

somewhere off in the distance thunder rattled, the unmistakable smell of electricity in the air. he looked out the canopy window at the small river flowing by.

a full day was spent on that water. wading across its shallow sections, crawling over its logjams, walking atop its rounded river stones and through the thick underbrush of its banks. peering into its tannin stained waters.

casting to its rising fish.

his face was sunburnt. his hair dirty. his lips chapped. his back sore. his hands were dry and cracked and smelled of thyme and fish. his shins were scratched and bruised. his shirt reeked of sweat. his feet were tender. one ankle throbbed.

his eyes were tired.

and he wore the beatific smile of someone wholly content.




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  1. 1

    Its amazing how you can spend years thinking that you are the only person that does somethings so uniquely, but then you stumble across an article. An article that tells that you are not the only one that brings cheap Ramen, because you’d rather spend a couple extra bucks on tippet, has been as the mercy to mother nature’s hot sun and drying winds, because no sunscreen or chapstick can last 10-15 hours on the river, plus you don’t even notice your skin drying, burning and cracking when there is fish rising consistently. This is truly a wonderful article, I look forward to reading more of your work.

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